Monday, March 23, 2015

What's Eating You? Junk Food Edition

Popcorn and Donuts and Ice Cream, OH MY! Cheap and Convenient...who could ask for more?
We have all been there...going grocery shopping on an empty stomach and stocking up on all the quick access junk food!  When I was little my father traveled internationally a lot.  Besides missing him, my sister and I were always excited for Dad to come home because we went on Junk Food Runs!  Image result for grocery shoppingWe literally filled the buggy to the top with all the candy, Little Debbies, chips, ice cream, and snacks that we could find.  I sometimes think Dad was more excited about it as he went months without it!  I remember seeing the twinkle in his eye when the sliding doors to the grocery store opened...we would race through the store grabbing everything we could get our hands on. People stared at us not knowing whether we were crazy or homeless.

As a child and teenager, I was so active, I never thought about gaining weight. After I had two children I realized I can no longer eat like a crazy person.  I consulted with my cousin and she started me on a Metabolic Research Center program.  After going cold-turkey with sugar and chocolate for a week, I realized that I was still alive.  In fact, I did, and still do, feel amazing!  I thought I relied on pure milk chocolate once a month.  I feel so much better not eating those prepackaged Little Debbie Snack Cakes...and besides, what's the point of a snack if you will be hungry 10 minutes later anyhow.

Being the researcher I am, I wanted to know how and why junk food is not good for you. *Side Note: Did you know that there is a Junk Food Diet...and it works??  But what good does junk food diets do to you if it's pure junk, and you are not feeding your body?* This is what I have found about junk food and your body.

"Although low energy levels and weight gain can not be attributed solely to junk food intake, there is an association between eating high-calorie, nutrient-poor foods and poor health.  While it may be tempting to rely on the vending machines to get you through an afternoon slump, or to pick up fast food on your way to  your meeting, these choices add up over time and can negatively impact your weight and energy levels."

Junk food is loaded in calories and sugar.  And, because of its lack of substance, it requires one to eat more in order to become satisfied.  Have you ever picked up a cinnabun or other wrapped danish at a gas station and think it was one serving?  Check again.  Many times that one wrapped snack is 2 servings.  That's right, take a look at the calorie, sodium, carb, and sugar content....and DOUBLE IT! I don't know anyone who would only eat half...unless you have a child you plan to split it with...guiltily.

According to, "Choosing a junk food diet high in fat may affect your eneergy levels in as little as one week.  Within nine days of adopting a high-fat diet, rats in the study were able to run 50 percent as far on a treadmill than rats fed a more balanced diet. This study was not performed on humans, but it can be speculated that a nutrient-poor diet could result in lower energy and physical performance in humans as well.

This is your brain: 
Image result for brain
This is your brain on junk food:   Image result for crazy brain

According to, "Several research studies have found that junk food can affect the brain much the same way as nicotine or heroin."  So now I'm not sure if I should answer drug questionnaires the same or not haha.

High fat diets (junk food included) can make the brain "stop responding to the leptin system (the portion of the brain that controls body weight and reproductive function." This seriously messes with your hormonal system making your body store more fat...because you are eating higher fats. Consider it a bad habit that is hard to break...I didn't say impossible, because IM POSSIBLE.

Artificial colors and sweeteners used in foods and drinks can cause asthma, allergic reactions and hyperactivity in children...whose kids need to be more hyper? NOT MINE FOR SURE LOL!

Canned spaghetti is a helping of carbs loaded with salt and fiber whatsoever!

My toddler LOVES chicken nuggets so this one kind of hurts, but it's real. Chicken nuggets are cheap and contain about 14% real chicken...water, skin,and proteins that have been removed from the bones (ie mechanically processed).

4 of the10 leading causes of death in America are linked directly to diet-related health conditions: diabetes, coronary artery disease, heart attack, stroke, and certain forms of cancer. also said, "Medical science has shown how important diet is in the growth, development and aging of the human body.  A poor diet can be directly contributed to a failure to thrive in children and a diminished quality of life in the elderly population.  As far back in history as the time of Hippocrates, medicine and diet have been inseparable."

I can't tell you how many times after eating ice cream or other junk food, I would sit on the couch bloated and full and just feel "nasty".   That all changed when I developed a healthier relationship with food.

If you are ready to drop the junk food and find a new you, contact me to get started learning how to make healthier food choices.



Sunday, March 22, 2015

What's Eating You? Carbonation & Soda Edition

Don't Forget You are what you Eat.So, I have recently learned that you are not always what you eat.  The horrifying truth is knowing what is eating you!

My imagination runs crazy, like a two year old with markers. In my career I have seen the effects of intestinal parasites in animals and humans, and only can imagine hookworms shredding my insides as I eat...eeeeww!

But this blog post is more about what your food is doing to your body after you eat it.  The first thing I want to mention is Coke.  I know I am not the only one who has poured Coke on rusty battery cable connectors...or whatever they are called (I am by no means a mechanic...or mechanically inclined).  I thought it was so cool to see the foam and fizzy eating the rust away to clean the cables.  Then, when I saw my oldest child drinking a Coke a few minutes later, I slapped that can out of his hands.  Can you imagine what Coke and other carbonated drinks are doing to your insides if they are capable of eating RUST off of cables?

According to once the soda is swallowed and the stomach does it's gastric acid juice thing, it passes to the small intestine.  It is here where the pancreas and liver release its gastric juices to mix with the soda.  Because soda has NO nutritional value, only the caffeine, water, and sodium passes into the bloodstream through the lining of the small intestine.  The rest is moved to the large intestine for body removal.   The Soda is eliminated through the kidneys, bladder, and urethra.  Kidney stones sound familiar? Or how about bladder infections?

The other not so pretty side of carbonation is burping and flatulence.  This is so wonderful in public or on a first date.  My husband once told me that there were many times when we were on dates where he thought he was about to explode having to hold everything in.

Caffeine in your system is another issue. Soda contains roughly 35 mg of caffeine per serving.  Most average Americans consume over 200 mg of caffeine per day.  I've heard it makes me poop...yes it's a wonderful stimulant lol.

Caffeine also triggers the release of even MORE gastric juices (very appetizing I know) and can also cause acid reflux or heartburn.

So, the next time you reach for a cold soda beverage, think about how your body is working against you.  The bloating caused from sodas is not a friend if you are looking to lose weight and make you feel blah!


Monday, March 16, 2015

Recipe: Easy, Delicious Beef Roast

Easy, Delicious Beef Roast
By MRC Kitchen

Wondering what's for dinner?  How about an easy, delicious beef roast? Easy to prepare, perfectly cooked every time, and far more heart healthy than other cuts of beef. 

My mom taught me that the "eye of the round" cut of meat is not only one of the leanest but also one of the most affordable.  So, what is "eye of round"?  The term round is a polite term for rump - or bottom - and because these muscles get a lot of exercise they are typically tougher.  It also has less fat surrounding it.  Normally you would use moist heat to cook these cuts- however, this recipe uses high heat for a short amount of time to get the job done.  I like this for my weight loss clients who want to eat red meat because no fat is necessary in the preparation which keeps it lean. And, while it requires time to cook- it only takes 5 minutes to prep and then once it is in the oven - you can go about your day.

So here's how to do it.
Pre-heat your oven to 500.  Season your roast with salt and pepper.  Don't be afraid to be generous.  I use Kosher salt.  Once your oven is hot enough, place your roast in the oven - do not cover it or add liquid to the pan.  Let it cook for 5 minutes at 500 and then turn the heat down to 475.  For medium rare as shown in the picture, continue cooking for 7 minutes per pound.  My roast was 2.5 pounds so my mom and I cooked it for 17 minutes at 475.  Once your cooking time is up turn OFF the heat.  Do not open the oven door.  You are going to let the roast sit in the hot oven for an additional 90 minutes.  Voila! You are done!

Now, here's a great way to add veggies to this.  We roasted new potatoes in a separate dish covered with foil.  All we did was spray the pan with cooking spray, season the veggies with salt and pepper and stuck them in the oven with the beef.  They were creamy on the inside and crusty on the outside!

IIf potatoes are too tempting for you to stay within a proper portion serving - you could do broccoli,cauliflower, asparagus, mushrooms, etc. Basically any veggie that doesn't have high water content will be delicious prepared this way.

And of course I had a sauce -- horseradish mixed with plain Greek yogurt.  Mix to taste and season and enjoy!

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Protein...a Secret to Weight Loss

I have failed many diets in my adult life...I am not good at counting things...calories, carbs, etc. When I was introduced to Metabolic Research Center, I learned that I don't have to count anything.  One of the important things to remember is lean meats, ingredients with no added salt (think cardio diet), watch the amount of added sugars, etc. I learned to look at a nutrition label as a whole, and I always try to remember that if it doesn't go bad on it's own, then it's probably not good for me (preservatives in boxes, cans, and packages...sodium is normally higher).    Bra saker att veta om protein

In an article in Women's Health Magazine it writes what is a common "duh"..."Most weight-loss plans have one thing in common: eating less".  This is true because portion control is a huge factor.  Eat all the veggies you want, but one needs to be careful about meats, dairy, and the like.

"New research suggest that eating more could boost fat loss-more protein,that is. Dieters who double their protein intake lose more fat and maintain more muscle mass than dieters who eat the recommended daily amount, according to a new study published in the FASEB Journal".

According to
"The body doesn't have a large storage depot for protein, as it does for carbohydrates and fats.  The protein we eat from food has to be handled as we eat it...The amino acids in the pool are ready and waiting to be utilized.  Ether the amino acids are used within a limited time to build a body protein, or they are transformed."

 Because our body goes through a long process of breaking down proteins for use in our systems, it, thus, increases our metabolism.  This is something that has slowed down dramatically thanks to age and carrying two fetuses to term....talking about sucking life out of you lol.

If you choose to start a high protein diet, please be careful, as the "waste" is release in the form of nitrogen and can have negative affects on your liver. Water intake is key here to help flush the wastes.

Metabolic Research Center has taken the difficulty out of it for its clients. Water consumption is super important anyways, but due to the increase in protein intake, that water, again, is needed to help flush the toxins out of your system.  MRC takes a health history and discusses your weight loss goals.  After obtaining this information, they provide you a customized menu with your food options for each meal.

I followed mine to the "T", and successfully lost 24 pounds in a 4-6 week period.  I maintain my weight through the lifestyle changes I learned on the program...portions, Ingredients, and wholesome foods.

Please Note:  This information is not meant to help heal, treat, or cure any disease.  You should consult with your physician before making any major dietary changes in order to lose weight.


Friday, March 13, 2015

To Snack or Not to Snack...That is not the Question.

The question should be: What to snack on?

So you go into your local grocery store to find healthy on-the-go snacks for your kids or yourself.  I mean, between work, ball practice, ball games, homework, and running errands, who has time to think?  You go down the aisles and come across granola bars.  Yes, the granola is great for you and won't ruin your diet or the pounds you so eagerly lost, but the added sugar, chocolate, and other junk will.  And, how is eating sugar and chocolate good for your kid's active lifestyle?

Metabolic Research Center recognized this and developed it's own line of healthy "cheats" for the busy mom and family. There are varieties to suit everyone's tastes and packed full of fiber, protein, and hormone balancing supplements so you do not feel guilty indulging in one of these tasty bars, and you are SuperMom for sending them with your kids. Here's information from MRC's website at .

High Nutrition Bars - Assortment Pack (7 Bars)
This variety pack of high quality protein bars contains one each of our most popular flavors - Caramel Brownie, Caramel Crunch, Chocolate Marshmallow, Caramel Nut, Oatmeal, Peanut Butter, and Rocky Road.

If there’s one place in your entire daily routine that can (and usually does) ruin your dietary goals, snacking is it.  Snacks are synonymous with ‘sabotage’, when trying to stay with a routine that melts the pounds away - and they’re everywhere.  They usually have little or no protein, little or no fiber, and can be so loaded with sugar that several days’ weight loss efforts can be ruined with a single cheat.

What happens is that the caloric intake of what started out as “well, maybe just one”, can explode into a big number.  It’s not really just the calories (which we all need for energy); it’s that most snacks contain calories that are very rapidly released into the bloodstream.  That sets off an equally rapid release of insulin (often too rapid), lowering our blood sugar too far.  That can quickly increase the appetite, which then can set off a ‘snacking frenzy’ of a truly frightening number of calories.

Well, fear not, ‘cause we got you covered.

And here is a video link made and released by one of our actual clients:

Feel good about what you are eating and it will shine through!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Oh ThighMaster, How Do I Miss Thee...Let Me Count The Ways...

I do not do well sitting in one place long as I am a busy mother to 2 pre-teens and a toddler.  As I sit in the car, squeezing and holding my gluteus maximus muscles in an attempt to get some kind of workout, I wondered whatever happened to the ThighMaster.  Yes, the ThighMaster.  Susanne Somers  had housemoms all over the country envying her curvy and firm body...spending money on the ThighMaster in an attempt to achieve Mrs. Sommers amazing butt and thighs.

I remember as a child in the 90's watching my mom Jazzercise and use that blue and red ThighMaster.  When she wasn't using it, I used it. It definitely worked my glutes.

While I had ten minutes to myself (the husbands, sisters, and kids outside) I decided to Google Suzanne Somers and the ThighMaster.  Her website,, she is still selling it. She is selling the Suzanne Somers Toning System - ThighMaster Gold and ButtMaster for $39.99.  The 2 part system tones your inner and outer thighs and butt. It wasn't surprising to find the ThighMaster on Amazon for $9.00.

If you like a good deal and don't mind a slightly "used" ThighMaster (think Lysol and disinfectant prior to use), then by all means, purchase it the item on Amazon...I am lol.

Monday, March 9, 2015

For the Love of Food and Dad

I am visiting with my parents for the next few days in Hemphill, Texas. My father believes that full bellies are a sign of other words, he shows his love by stuffing us full. I explained to him that I am changing my eating habits, but I will manage and asked him not to go out of his way to appease me.

The moment we walked in the door he had Boudin King boudin (spicy & mild) from Jennings, Louisiana, 2 sacks of raw oysters with cocktail sauces and spinach and artichoke dip, and macaroni and cheese loaves for the kids...well, mom cooked all of it except the steamed oysters.  If you aren't familiar with Boudin, a Louisiana staple, it's rice, sausage, and seasonings packed into a casing.  It is served hot...and it is sooo delicious.  Being on my program and changing my eating habits, I would ultimately get stomach pains...but the pain not eating it would be worse lol.  It's only my dad's style to force us to eat...I mean, it is considered an insult in the South to turn down any food, especially when it's cooked in your honor. The problem is my dad is only happy when EVERYONE is eating ALL THE TIME.  If you aren't eating, you're not happy...needless to say I stay busy to say that I'm too busy to eat lol.  I can't blame Dad since it was how he was raised...hardcore Southern Pentacostal.  Family gatherings were about family, conversation, and always, always, always, involved TONS of food!

I complied and ate a very small piece of Boudin...I savored every morsel.  

The oysters are good for you.  Dad put the wet oysters on the grill and steamed them 'til they popped.  I was never big on oysters, but when Dad tells you to eat, you eat.  I had a few of them despite the texture, and he was happy.

Mom has been cooking her Gumbo base for the last 24 hours and dropped the seafood into her large pot this morning.  Now, Mom knows and understands what I have been doing.  I like to bypass the rice and, if available, substitute for quinoa.  4 oz of seafood and protein is all your body needs at each sitting, plus your HNS protein drink if you are on program or need a little more filling.

The only way my dad believes one is able to cook fish is by frying it.  I have preached to him over and over, but you cannot argue with a Jackson.  So, Dad fried a large batch and was able to set a few filets aside for me and my sister to bake with lemon juice, chili powder, and lemon pepper.  I do not try to be difficult, but I have worked very hard changing my eating habits and lifestyle, but, again, you cannot argue with a Jackson. I ignore his moans and eye-rolls when I explain why I choose not to eat something and why he shouldn't eat it either.

Family will always be family no matter what choices are made.  My family is very supportive of our choices and decisions, but, if you go away from their norm, you will always get playful backlash.  Making adjustments to family gathering foods can be challenging, but I hope to provide everyone with an idea on how to think outside the box and still eat yummy food.

So until the next blog, here's to Dad and the Love of food.

Recipe: Brownie Bites

So, my dad is diabetic and trying to convince him of that is next to impossible. When someone is diagnosed with Type II Diabetes, diet and exercise are the first implementations.  I spoke with my mom about Dad's denial, but she said he will whine about wanting Brownies. I told her I will try to find her a "healthier" brownie  recipe that will keep the chocolate taste without all the sugar and carbs.

This is what I found:

Take 2 packets of the Double Chocolate pudding (vanilla  creme works great too) and pour into a bowl.  Take out one or two spoonfuls of the dry powder and set aside.  Mix the pudding with just a little water - enough to make it stick together so that you can shape it with your hands.  Roll the dough into bite-sized balls in your hands, then roll into the dry powder you set aside.


Double Chocolate Pudding (7 Count)

You can also mix the chocolate pudding for the center, then roll it into a little bit of the vanilla creme dry powder.

Another variation using the MRC Hot Cocoa mix

Pour the entire packet of hot cocoa into a bowl, mix with enough water so the mix gets mushy, microwave for about 30-40 seconds and eat it.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Spring Break...3 kids, 1 husband, and the dog

When many people go on Spring Break, they go to exciting places like Disney, the Beach, or Ski Resorts...not us!  Because we live a good distance from our family, we use our school breaks to visit family. Don't get me wrong, a week long adventure out in the wilds would be grand, but when they say half the adventure is getting there, they are not wrong. My older two children (boy 13 and girl 12) spend most of the trip breathing on each other, pushing, complaining, and the like; the dog has extreme anxiety traveling so he is whining and roaming around inside the SUV; the 2 year old is trying to steal cell phones and keeps saying "home....ok?"; and my husband and I are running interference, pulling our hair out, and typically raising our voices telling them to just stop looking and breathing haha.

We are currently headed to Texas to see my parents...272 miles of glorious adventure!

 The second part of our adventure are the bridges.  Thanks to the movie Ghost Dad starring Bill Cosby way back when, I am deathly afraid of the point I roll down my windows whenever I am on a bridge.  Well, last night I though it would be a great idea to watch In an hour long show on television about freak accidents and the stories of the survivors.  The show last night involved the Mississippi River Bridge in Minneapolis that just crumbled into the Mississippi River in 2007.  My husband watched it with me.  I was mortified!  As we just crossed the Mississippi River bridge in Vicksburg, my husband must have been too, as he opened the sun roof and rolled down windows.

By they way do not tell children with active imaginations why we were doing what we were does not turn out the way, there is an active fault line in the river at Vicksburg, if you wanted to know...I did not care to hear this.

Needless to say, we survived the first major bridge on our did I put that Benadryl??


Recipe: Homemade Pimento Cheese

Homemade Pimento Cheese
By: Heather Gaither /

Healthy Pimento Cheese

Homemade pimento cheese spread is so much better than anything store bought, the flavors are more vibrant and there are no preservatives or weird ingredients you can't pronounce.  Pimento Cheese is perfect as a dip or appetizer, between bread as a grilled cheese, stuffed in a tomato, or nestled inside celery sticks.

Grilled Cheese?  We got your attention with that one :) For those of us watching our carbohydrate intake, try an open faced toasted cheese sandwich.  All you need is a slice of 50 calorie bread, a nice thick tomato slice and pimento cheese.  Pile it high and toast for a few minutes until your bread is toasty and the cheese is melty!

4 oz low fat cottage cheese
2 oz shredded sharp cheddar cheese
2 oz shredded Monterey jack cheese
3-4 tsp pimento
pinch of salt and pepper
1/8 tsp garlic powder
1/8 tsp onion powder

Place all ingredients in food processor or blender and combine until all ingredients are thoroughly mixed.  Add more pimento if you like. For garlic lovers you could easily increase the garlic powder.

Add crumbled bacon
Add green onions
For some heat add a bit of chopped jalapeno
Add 1/8 tsp ground cayenne pepper

Makes 3 servings
1 Serving = 1 protein serving on your MRC menu

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Recipe: Chili-Rubbed Tilapia and Asparagus

Chili-Rubbed Tilapia & Asparagus
By: MRC Kitchen
Chili-Rubbed Tilapia and Asparagus
If you are looking for a fresh, flavorful meal in less than 30 minutes here is your answer! Our Chili-Rubbed Tilapia and Asparagus is a great versatile meal that can be served as a casual weeknight meal or even to friends coming over for dinner.  Fish is such a great protein for weight loss and paired with asparagus this is a great combination to push through a plateau or boost up your weight loss!

8 oz asparagus, ends trimmed and cut into 1 inch pieces
1 tbsp chili powder
1 tsp garlic powder
1/4 tsp. sea salt
8 oz tilapia ( or other white fish)
3 tsp olive oil
3 tsp. lemon juice

1. Bring 1 inch of water to boil in a large saucepan.  Put asparagus in a steamer basket, place in the pan, cover and steam until tender-crisp, about 4 minutes.
Weigh out 4 oz.  Transfer to a plate to cool.
2. Combine spices and dip fillets in mixture to coat.  Heat oil in large non-stick skillet over medium high heat.  Add the fish and cook 5-7 minutes, turning once.
3. Add lemon juice, a pinch of salt and asparagus to the pan, cooking for 2 minutes until asparagus is warmed.

Servings: 2
Replaces: 4 oz protein, 4 oz vegetables

Exercise and a 2 Year Old

With Spring around the corner that means swim suits, beaches, shorts, and cute dresses.  I have to admit, when I was working as an office coordinator, my mobility was limited to walking from my desk to the bathroom and to my car.  I started following an extensive lower body workout that included the following:

                                                                    Aerobic Exercise Kids Mother and her kids exercise
Squats - 3 sets of 25
Sumo Squats - 3 sets of 18
Holding Sumo Squat - so far I am up to a minute
Back Leg Kicks - 5 sets of 15
Laying Side Kicks - 3 sets of 10
Scissor Kicks - 1 minute so far

I was fortunate enough to have the "help" of my two year old this evening...trying to sit on my legs during my side kicks, laying on the floor between my legs during Sumo squats and kicking me in the shins, and of course bouncing on my stomach during scissor kicks...

I have learned that the extra weight is appreciated in resistance training, but my goodness, I think he had more fun than I did... despite my "ouching", "stops",and bladder leaks during his trampolining experience on my bladder.

I think I shall do these in the morning from now my closet...with the door locked.

Here's to exercising and two year olds!

Take Me Out to Eat...Wait, What Can I Eat?

A misconception a lot of people have about diets, programs, and weight loss involve eating out. There are a number of things to keep in mind when eating out.  Metabolic Research Center offers support and information to its clients 24/7.

 Variety of foods on refrigerator shelf 
So, you are on the program and go on a date night to your favorite restaurant.  What do you do?

First, did you know that you can bring your own dressings, Melba Toast, and snacks to a resaurant?
If I don't bring a dressing, I ask for vinegar and oil as my dressing, no croutons (use your Melba Toast for this), and dressing on the side.

Now, on to the entrees!woman biting into cake

Many restaurants today have Fat Free or Low Fat choices on their menus.  This is great and not-so great if you are trying to lose weight.  This is why:

According to

"Sometimes "fat-free" is also, well, taste-free.  And to make up for that, food makers tend to pour other ingredients--especially sugar, flour, thickeners, and salt-- into the products.  That can add calories." 

When ordering your food, ask for your food to be cooked and/or sauteed in olive oil or canola oil, no butter, margarine, or other fatty substance.  Sorry, but your body and weight loss will thank you later.  Also , watch for the added salt!

 love a good grilled chicken breast served with queso on the side or a lean steak...I'll bring my own seasonings (think Mrs. Dash) in my purse. 

Leave it to the cutey waiter to always ask if you saved room for dessert.  This is where you rip out your MRC Protein Snack Bar (the Caramel Nut and Rocky Road are my fave!).

Lucky for me, my husband stuffs himself full at dinner and never wants dessert, and the kids now realize that the ice cream at home is just as good and cheaper than the restaurants lol.

"There are good fats ( Monosaturated and polyunsaturated) and bad fats (those found in animal products like beef,pork, butter, and other full-fat dairy products). 
Always choose lean cuts of meat and fish, and low-fat dairy products, and eliminate trans fats from your diet as much as possible."


Recipe: Chocolate Mocha Madness

Chocolate Mocha Madness
By: MRC Kitchen /

Chocolate Mocha MadnessIf you have a sweet tooth like I do then let me introduce you to Chocolate Mocha Madness. This recipe is so rich and decadent that you'll forget it is actually packed with protein and helping you reach your weight loss goals. Perfect as a make ahead meal for the week, I even make it in individual cupcake wraps for easy grab and go servings.  Try this today and you'll be sure to satisfy that sweet tooth.

4 Packages chocolate shake supplement
2 cups low-fat cottage cheese (1% milkfat)
2 cups water
4 tsp instant coffee, decaffeinated
2 pkgs unflavored gelatin, dissolved in 1/2 cup water
8 pkgs. artificial sweetener
3 tbsp vanilla extract
1 pkg frozen unsweetened rasberries

2 cups crushed Melba toast
2 tsp. safflower or canola oil
2 pkgs. zero calorie sweetener

Mix all ingredients, except berries, in blender until smooth.  Fold in berries.
Mix all ingredients for crust in blender. Press into bottom of 9x13 (or 8x8 for a thicker crust). Pour mousse on top and serve.

Serving size: 4
Replaces: 4 oz protein, 1 starch, 1 creamy supplement

Friday, March 6, 2015

Recipe: Healthy Chicken Enchilada Zucchini Boats

Healthy Chicken Enchilada Zucchini Boats
By Katelyn Horgan /

Healthy Zucchini Boars

Zucchini boats, the new taco shell!  If you haven't tried replacing your high fat taco shell, or your boring should try it tonight!  These boats are the perfect "holder" for almost anything from enchiladas to meatballs and marinara. When cooking with zucchini boats you'll cut them in half lengthwise and scoop out the inside with a melon baller (or just a spoon!). We don't use the inside flesh in this recipe but you can save it for compost or use it in another recipe. For those who like a kick try adding some chopped jalapeno to this recipe.


For enchilada sauce:
1 tbsp. fresh garlic, minced
2 pkg. MRC Tomato Basil supplement, prepared with 1-1/2 cups water
1/2 tsp Ms. Dash Southwest Chipotle seasoning
2/3 cup low sodium chicken broth
sea salt and pepper, to taste

For zucchini boats:
4-medium zucchini
1 tsp olive oil
1 oz. green onions, chopped
1 oz green pepper, diced
1/4 cup chopped cilantro
12 oz chicken breast, cooked and shredded
1/2 tsp oregano
1/2 tsp chili powder

2 oz. cheddar cheese, shredded

Preheat oven to 400
Sauce: In a saucepan, saute garlic.  Add chicken broth, MRC Tomato Basil supplement and seasoning. Bring to a boil for 5 minutes. Set aside.

Zucchini Boats: Cut zucchini in half lengthwise, using a small spoon scoop out the flesh, leaving a 1/4" thick. Set aside.
Add olive oil to large skillet on med-low heat.  Add green onions,green pepper, oregano and chili powder, cook 2-3 minutes.  Add 12 oz cooked chicken and cilantro to pan and saute 3 more minutes, set mixture aside.

In a large baking dish, place 1/4 cup of enchilada sauce on bottom.  Place zucchini halves on top, cut side up. Fill each boat evenly with chicken mixture, you may need to firmly press down to get it all to fit.

Top each boat with enchilada sauce and sprinkle cheese evenly.  Cover with foil and bake for35 minutes until cheese is melted and zucchini is cooked through.

Makes 4 servings.  Serving size is 2 boats
Replaces: 1 protein serving, 1 vegetable serving

Cheescake and Champagne, and Will-Power...Oh My!

When I first started on my Lifestyle/Weight Loss Journey, I was in healthcare marketing.  One of my favorite parts of my job were the social events and functions...mingling with physicians, surgeons, and other top medical professionals; I enjoyed nights of champagne, mornings of mimosas, and lunches filled with carbs...oh the lovely carbs. 

On one specific night was a fundraiser for the American Cancer Society....Sweets and Champagne Event.  Yes!  The Mississippi Gulf Coast's finest bakery chefs were providing the most beautiful and most delicious cheesecakes, chocolates, and caramels. The champagne was flowing from a 6 foot tall Champagne fountain...and I could not have a lick.  Seriously, I called my MRC Coach and really asked if I could just lick the dessert and swim in the champagne...can you say #pathetic? LOL.  She said I could, but it would trigger the "sugar need" that I had gotten rid of and possibly cause my 2 weeks of hard work and 14 pounds lost to go to waste.

So, what was my decision? I pulled up my big girl panties and pantyhose and opted for water.  I mingled and talked with all the VIP's and would text my coach for additional moral support.  2 weeks after that I was down a total 24 pounds.

I occasionally will indulge my chops into a ewwy, guey, brownie or cake, but I have learned to control my sweet triggers.

Recipe: Breakfast Tostada with Bacon & Eggs

Breakfast Tostada with Bacon & Eggs
By Heather Gaither/

Healthy Breakfast Tostada

Our crunchy tostada is the perfect power breakfast.  It's loaded with lean protein, healthy, satisfying fat, and veggies, atop a crispy corn tortilla.  This recipe is easy to assemble and very flexible, use any vegetables you like, we've tried mushrooms, spinach, and tomatoes and they were all wonderful.  For those who like a little kick top with salsa or dash of hot sauce.

1 scramble egg
1 oz cheddar or pepperjack cheese, shredded
1 slice uncured bacon (goal is 100 calories, might be 2 slices)
3 oz diced bell peppers
1 oz diced green onion (could sub for spinach or mushrooms)
1 corn tortilla, 50 calories.

Preheat oven to 350.
Saute veggies in skillet for 1-2 minutes, add whipped eggs and scramble. Toast 50 calorie corn tortilla in oven, 5-10 minutes, until crisp.  Cook uncured bacon to desired crispness. Top tortilla with eggs, bacon, and cheese.  Enjoy!

Replaces: protein, healthy fat, carb, and 4 oz of your lunch veggies.

*Recipe may require adjustments for protein servings - check your menu for reference.

Why I chose MRC. Wait....who's MRC?

My weight loss journey started 3 years ago, August 2012.  My youngest was 5 months old, and I was so upset that I could not lose that extra 15 pounds from my pregnancy.  My cousin, Claire, introduced me to her company that she has worked for for about 12 years, Metabolic Research Center.  She has told me stories about it changing lives in the 30 years it's been in business, the certified all-natural and certified organic ingredients.  She told me that I won't need the supplements once I hit goal weight.  Skeptical, as nothing has really worked and kept the weight off in the past, I joined as a client.  Diane was my coach, and she was amazing.  Because there was not a local clinic, I did my program online. This just meant that I could call, text, or email my coach as needed, and I did my own weigh ins.

I followed the program to a "T" and lost a whopping 24 pounds in 4 weeks. I was soooo happy and vowed to never put it back on.

What MRC Offers its clients:
A full support team - nutritionists, physicians, social workers, nurses, and your coach
MyLabs- you can have your labwork done for a FRACTION of the cost, and if you don't want your physician to interpret the results, MRC has physicians to help with that.
Menus - menus designed through decades of scientific and medical research to determine not just what to eat, but when to eat it.
Supplements - certified all-natural, certified organic, and manufactured in the USA exceeding Good manufacturing practices.
Guaranty - 100% satisfaction guaranteed as long as you do the program and use the products correctly.

What other weight loss company can offer all that???

All employees at MRC were once and still are clients.  You can't sell something if you don't believe in it.
Haven't heard of MRC before? Don't be surprised. MRC only relies on word-of-mouth advertising...where potential clients see their friends who are losing weight and feeling great!

MRC doesn't feel the need to pay a celebrity to be a "spokesperson" when you can actually see real results.

I admit, I had gained 10 pounds back, but we had moved 4 hours away, I stopped drinking water, and grocery selection in this small rural town is excuses though, I got started back on program and dropped that 10 pounds in a little over a week.

I am continuing with my weight loss program in hopes to drop at least 10 more pounds.