Monday, March 23, 2015

What's Eating You? Junk Food Edition

Popcorn and Donuts and Ice Cream, OH MY! Cheap and Convenient...who could ask for more?
We have all been there...going grocery shopping on an empty stomach and stocking up on all the quick access junk food!  When I was little my father traveled internationally a lot.  Besides missing him, my sister and I were always excited for Dad to come home because we went on Junk Food Runs!  Image result for grocery shoppingWe literally filled the buggy to the top with all the candy, Little Debbies, chips, ice cream, and snacks that we could find.  I sometimes think Dad was more excited about it as he went months without it!  I remember seeing the twinkle in his eye when the sliding doors to the grocery store opened...we would race through the store grabbing everything we could get our hands on. People stared at us not knowing whether we were crazy or homeless.

As a child and teenager, I was so active, I never thought about gaining weight. After I had two children I realized I can no longer eat like a crazy person.  I consulted with my cousin and she started me on a Metabolic Research Center program.  After going cold-turkey with sugar and chocolate for a week, I realized that I was still alive.  In fact, I did, and still do, feel amazing!  I thought I relied on pure milk chocolate once a month.  I feel so much better not eating those prepackaged Little Debbie Snack Cakes...and besides, what's the point of a snack if you will be hungry 10 minutes later anyhow.

Being the researcher I am, I wanted to know how and why junk food is not good for you. *Side Note: Did you know that there is a Junk Food Diet...and it works??  But what good does junk food diets do to you if it's pure junk, and you are not feeding your body?* This is what I have found about junk food and your body.

"Although low energy levels and weight gain can not be attributed solely to junk food intake, there is an association between eating high-calorie, nutrient-poor foods and poor health.  While it may be tempting to rely on the vending machines to get you through an afternoon slump, or to pick up fast food on your way to  your meeting, these choices add up over time and can negatively impact your weight and energy levels."

Junk food is loaded in calories and sugar.  And, because of its lack of substance, it requires one to eat more in order to become satisfied.  Have you ever picked up a cinnabun or other wrapped danish at a gas station and think it was one serving?  Check again.  Many times that one wrapped snack is 2 servings.  That's right, take a look at the calorie, sodium, carb, and sugar content....and DOUBLE IT! I don't know anyone who would only eat half...unless you have a child you plan to split it with...guiltily.

According to, "Choosing a junk food diet high in fat may affect your eneergy levels in as little as one week.  Within nine days of adopting a high-fat diet, rats in the study were able to run 50 percent as far on a treadmill than rats fed a more balanced diet. This study was not performed on humans, but it can be speculated that a nutrient-poor diet could result in lower energy and physical performance in humans as well.

This is your brain: 
Image result for brain
This is your brain on junk food:   Image result for crazy brain

According to, "Several research studies have found that junk food can affect the brain much the same way as nicotine or heroin."  So now I'm not sure if I should answer drug questionnaires the same or not haha.

High fat diets (junk food included) can make the brain "stop responding to the leptin system (the portion of the brain that controls body weight and reproductive function." This seriously messes with your hormonal system making your body store more fat...because you are eating higher fats. Consider it a bad habit that is hard to break...I didn't say impossible, because IM POSSIBLE.

Artificial colors and sweeteners used in foods and drinks can cause asthma, allergic reactions and hyperactivity in children...whose kids need to be more hyper? NOT MINE FOR SURE LOL!

Canned spaghetti is a helping of carbs loaded with salt and fiber whatsoever!

My toddler LOVES chicken nuggets so this one kind of hurts, but it's real. Chicken nuggets are cheap and contain about 14% real chicken...water, skin,and proteins that have been removed from the bones (ie mechanically processed).

4 of the10 leading causes of death in America are linked directly to diet-related health conditions: diabetes, coronary artery disease, heart attack, stroke, and certain forms of cancer. also said, "Medical science has shown how important diet is in the growth, development and aging of the human body.  A poor diet can be directly contributed to a failure to thrive in children and a diminished quality of life in the elderly population.  As far back in history as the time of Hippocrates, medicine and diet have been inseparable."

I can't tell you how many times after eating ice cream or other junk food, I would sit on the couch bloated and full and just feel "nasty".   That all changed when I developed a healthier relationship with food.

If you are ready to drop the junk food and find a new you, contact me to get started learning how to make healthier food choices.



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